Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Recession Hits Home

I was informed this past Friday that at the end of the month, I will no longer have a job. After that, the company I work for will no longer be able to afford me. Not just me, but my boss also. I'm having a lot of mixed emotions about this. One minute I'm "up" thinking, Bobby and I can do this...we can handle this. Just need to tighten up our finances because it's not like we have a lot of bills. Of course there's the mortgage and utilities, things like that, but we own our cars free and clear. We have two credit cards, which thanks to my husband, don't have large balances (if it were up to me they would...I like to buy "stuff"...LOL.). So we should be able to manage. But then I hear the news saying things like "...a job was posted for a part-time janitor position at a school and over 1,000 applicants applied". What the hell is that? And...what if Bobby looses his job too? It's possible. On top of it all, I have a really cool job, with an AWSOME boss and people I really like to work with. This job is perfect for me...and now I've got to leave it.

Just trying to keep my head up, keep a positive attitude and most importantly...PRAY!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Petting the Monkey

Anyone who knows me knows how much I LOVE the monkey (pun intended...SMILE). It must've been fate for me to meet Erica (I met her thru Bobby, she's in the Ruff Ryders) who owns a monkey herself. Her name is Aiyanna (think I'm spelling that wrong) and she is the best thing EVER! She's a shy girl until she gets to know you but when she feels comfortable with you, she'll hold your finger with her little monkey hands and will groom you. It is the funniest thing to have this little monkey cleaning under your nails, picking tiny unseen items off of your clothes and seperating your hair just like you see monkeys grooming each other on tv.

Yana loves to eat, her favorites are Rice Krispie Treats and Starbursts

I told Bobby I want a monkey too...

Happiness on Wheels

What could bring about such happiness in a little 'ole boy....

....and tight hugs not only to his Daddy....

....and a very long hug to his big sister (a hug which she allowed...that doesn't happen often)

....as well as a big family hug.....

...a Brand New Bike....
Bobby and Precious were out together when they came across this bike for Max. His got chewed up by the dogs last year. Precious even put in some of her very own money to help buy it. Max was so very happy and surprised.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feeling a Little Like Eeyore

"Ohhh Bother..." thats just what I feel like. Hanging my head low, my outlook on the world shaded grey. I don't like feeling this way and although I know what's causing it...I'm not sure what to do about it. Sometimes I wish I was more...I wish I could let things roll of off me easier. I wish I could wear my feelings "on my sleeve". So if I'm feeling sad and want to cry, i would cry. If I'm mad, I let it out...but that's not how I'm made. When I'm sad/depressed/anxious (did I spell that right?) I've trained myself to put on that smile. You know the one..."All is fine with me world. I'm a strong black woman and nothings going to hold me down." When really, I want to ball up in my bed under the covers and cry until my nose is stopped up. Sometimes, being a grown-up SUCKS!