I haven't been posting any more pics of our Las Vegas trip because quite frankly, the whole uploading process/writting about what was going on in the pics was getting on my nerves (totally my fault cause i took so many gee-dee pictures...smile) Anywho, this post is just gonna be words.
I am feeling pretty good now. It's been a week and four days since I had my "procedure" (for those of you who don't know, I had some work done on my "mysterious lady parts" to quote Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights) done I am having very minimal pain and am able to move around quite normally. I went grocery shopping this morning and that didn't go to good. I was feeling faint and very warm, which seems to happen now whenever I exert myself but I made it through.
I received some SUPER-WONDERFUL presents from my very bestest friend in the whole world (Shelby). I'll take a picture and post tomorrow.
Other important news on the homefront, Precious and Max have their TAKS testing tomorrow (Precious also has hers on Weds.) TAKS stands for Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. Starting in 3rd grade and continuing on thru high school, students take these tests close to the end of the school year (for both math and reading). They have to pass these tests to be passed on to the next grade. I don't like the idea that they have to pass these tests in order to pass to the next grade. My reasoning is this, both Precious and Max have been in the Gifted and Talented Program since Kindergarten and they both have always STAYED on Honor Roll (well, Precious wasn't always on it this year. She seemed to be having trouble staying focused this year but we've nipped that in the bud). So my question has always been, if they excel all school year but don't pass the TAKS Test, how do you think you can hold them back. We, of course, have never had a problem with them failing these tests. As a matter of fact, Max just took his Reading TAKS a few weeks ago and was given a Commendation because he only missed one. The passing score is 2100 and Max scored 2500 (yes...those are MY genes running thru him). And every school year Precious gets commended for scoring high also.
Ok, so off of my soapbox. I'll try to post more Vegas pics tomorrow. Right now I'm going to sign off because I need to write.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Vegas Part Three
Saturday morning had us all up bright and early to prepare for the wedding. While the boys went wandering around the casino, I helped Yolanda do her hair.
While waiting on a cab to take us the the wedding chapel, Kel and Bobby decided to get their "GQ-Ebony-Man-of-Style" man poses on.
Yolanda all dressed up and pretty waiting to get married. There was a very clear sign posted inside the chapel stating that outside cameras/video cameras weren't allowed inside the chapel nor on the grounds. I really wasn't trying to hear that. I mean, I'm a scrapbooker...I take pictures

This is Yolanda's cousin who was in town from Indianapolis. She was her Maid of Honor
Okay so the story behind this picture is hilarious. Me, Bobby, Kel and Yolanda's cousin's boyfriend were all hanging out in the chapel waiting for the minister to come in so they could begin the ceramony. We were crackin jokes and talkin about people when the lady that works there came in and told us that the cameras were on so don't be talking about people (the ceremony was being shown on the internet in real-time) and that the minister would be in in a minute. Kel (groom) who was on the phone at the time stops in the middle of his conversation and says "What? It's about to start? I better get my last boogie on as a free man" and then he starts this combination Fred Sandford/George Jefferson "funky-chicken" dance. I mean, he was doin it hard. People back home (texas) started calling his/Bobby's phone asking what the heck he was doing. We all had a good laugh off of that one
This is Yolanda's cousin who was in town from Indianapolis. She was her Maid of Honor
Okay so the story behind this picture is hilarious. Me, Bobby, Kel and Yolanda's cousin's boyfriend were all hanging out in the chapel waiting for the minister to come in so they could begin the ceramony. We were crackin jokes and talkin about people when the lady that works there came in and told us that the cameras were on so don't be talking about people (the ceremony was being shown on the internet in real-time) and that the minister would be in in a minute. Kel (groom) who was on the phone at the time stops in the middle of his conversation and says "What? It's about to start? I better get my last boogie on as a free man" and then he starts this combination Fred Sandford/George Jefferson "funky-chicken" dance. I mean, he was doin it hard. People back home (texas) started calling his/Bobby's phone asking what the heck he was doing. We all had a good laugh off of that one
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Vegas Part Two
Our first night in Vegas. We all got dressed and prepared to meet Yolanda's cousin and her boyfriend down at their hotel (Caesar's Palace) to go to a party. We ended up staying at our hotel and hanging out once we found out that they'd paid a $90 cover-charge to get into said party and once they were inside, it was SUPER crowded. The four of us tried our hand at the slot machines (I spent $10 and won back .75...ohhhh...BALLIN') then went to the club in our hotel and got our jam-boggie on. Yolanda's cousin/cousin's boyfriend and another couple eventually met up with us at our hotel. We all ended up at the craps table (total of eight of us). Lemme just say this...CRAPS IS NOW MY MOST FAVORITE GAME (is that what it's called) EVER! I see how you can get addicted. One of the guys that was working the table (don't know what his official title is but he was the one that took your money and placed your bet for you) was SUPER helpful. I didn't know how to play but he walked me thru everything I needed to know
Either he was just really nice or...the fact that I made sure I smiled really pretty anytime I needed help (LOL...hey, one uses the gifts one has). I started with $20, won $120 then lost $70...I'm not totally sure, but I think I did pretty good seeing as how I had more than I stated with.
Kel, Yolanda and Bobby posing. We were making our way downstairs to the casino
Me and Bobby (he always has to do extra) BTW...isn't my hair pretty? I got it cut for the trip. I like it a lot
Either he was just really nice or...the fact that I made sure I smiled really pretty anytime I needed help (LOL...hey, one uses the gifts one has). I started with $20, won $120 then lost $70...I'm not totally sure, but I think I did pretty good seeing as how I had more than I stated with.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Recovering and Updating...a two-fer
As I'm laying around recouping from a procedure I had done this past thursday (on my Mysterious Lady Parts...I won't go into what I had done because I'm sure you don't need/want to know me like that...lol) waiting on my meds to kick in so I can go to sleep and escape the pain, I decided to post more pics of our trip to Sin City aka Vegas. This of course is nowhere near all of them (I took over 200 pics) so i will be posting in parts. Consider this Part One:
Here's a somewhat blurry pic of our Hotel, The Excalabur, our first night in Vegas (better pics to come later
More from the "If you have to ask, you can't afford it" stores. The coat to the far right was $24,495. Bobby went into the store so he could rub on it. He said he wanted to know what 24 Thousand felt like. I told him it wasn't that much cuz it was 70% off....LOL
Monday, April 13, 2009
Long Time No See
Yes...I know...it's been, like, years since I've updated this thing. Not that there hasn't been a lot going on, I just haven't been taking time out to keep you all up-to-date. Bobby and I just came back from a trip to Las Vegas (our very first time ever going) with his best friend Kel and his wife Yolanda (the purpose of the trip was for them to get married). We just got back today and I have TONS of pictures to post as well as some video but not right now. I'm sooo tired and my feet are KILLIN' me! So for now, I'll just post a few pictures as a preview for you.
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